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"IN OVER 25 years of working in the healing arts, I have come to learn that there is no one way to truth, there are many ways.

Yet what is so amazing as well as perplexing is that there is only one truth and that truth is Love.

We make no claim to cure, for there is a higher Energy involved." - Stefano Vitale


Are you frustrated with invasive techniques which do not attend to your goals of rebuilding your well-being in a natural way?

Are you looking for that harmonious integration of Western technology and Oriental Medicine?

Do the missing ingredients that you want to choose from to improve your energy, health and aliveness include acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, kinesiology, body talk, computer biofeedback, radionics and similar methods?

Let Vitale Healing Arts take you by the hand to explore the intuitive qualities of the human being, qualities that are seen as the extension of the Cosmos and Its innate wisdom and healing, loving powers without judgement or opinion.